History is full of innovators…people who saw beyond what box surrounded them and stepped out to dream of something new. It’s surprisingly easy to be an innovator, really. All you have to do is take something that’s familiar, look at it from a new angle, and then change it into something amazing.

Rather, I should say the theory of being an innovator is surprisingly simple. It’s actually making it happen that’s the hard part.

But should that stop us from trying? Absolutely not. We should be constant innovators of our lives. We should evaluate who we are and what we’re becoming, and find ways to innovate ourselves and our circumstances.

You don’t have to be stuck in that job you don’t like. Look at it from a different angle. Change it into something amazing. You don’t have to live with that addiction. Look at it from a different angle. Change it into something amazing. You don’t have to be miserable, or pathetic, or friendless, or trapped in a situation you feel helpless to change. Look at it from a different angle. Change it into something amazing.

Your life and what you make of it are determined by your choices and by the scope of your dreams. How far are you willing to stretch? How much are you willing to bend? If you have a dream and don’t know how to reach it, be an innovator! If you have a passion and want to pursue it, be an innovator! If you feel like God has greater things meant for you, what are you waiting for? Get off your lazy bum and be an innovator!

The alternative is to be an imitator…someone who can never stop copying others or their own past mistakes. If you’re an imitator you’ll always have that dead-end job, always have that addiction, always be miserable or pathetic or friendless, always trapped in a helpless situation, never reaching your dreams or fulling your passions.

You’ll never be what God wants you to be. And one day you’ll wake up old, depressed…too late for anything meaningful, wondering where your life went wrong.

Be an innovator. Not an imitator. That’s what I want to be. You should too.


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