Zelda needs writers??

**raises hand** Ooo…me! Pick me! I try to live my life by the principle of always doing exactly what God wants me to do. This has led to a pretty drastic life change recently, of which I’ll blog about in the coming weeks. But if I were to pick anything in the world to satisfy all the geeky ambitions and pipe-dreams floating around in the back of my brain, it would be the very news I received over the weekend.

7 reasons why Skyward Sword is NOT the best Zelda game ever…

Anyone who gets to know me quickly finds out that The Legend of Zelda is probably my favorite video game franchise of all time. I haven’t in any way played ALL the games in the franchise, but I’m pretty familiar with the major ones. I’ve played through most of the original Legend of Zelda and Link’s Adventure, though I didn’t beat either of them probably because I was too young and ADD to put up with the frustration. I played and beat Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, and Twilight Princess multiple times. I came close to beating Majora’s Mask, but something came up and I never got back to it. I’ve never played Wind Waker, but I know a lot about it because I’ve completed most of its direct sequel, Phantom Hourglass, and Wind Waker is on my radar to get for the WiiU this fall. I’m also a fiction writer, and fantasy is my first love. It’s the story and mythology of Zelda that really draws me in. There’s something captivating about these stories, something I’d like to emulate one day in a novel. Recently I finally completed Skyward Sword. I know people have been raving over this game, raving that it’s probably the best Zelda game ever. That’s quite a tall claim. In fact, I firmly do NOT think it even comes close to the best Zelda game ever. At best, I’d rank it as #3 or 4. And here’s why…